Archive for November 21st, 2008

Last night

my contractions were so incredibly painful that we started boiling stockpots of water on the stove in case we needed them to warm up the birth pool.  The kids were promptly put to bed, since the mere sound of their voices was making my pain levels increase rapidly.  The house was tidied up, a nice soothing fire was built and then….they stopped. 

Oh well.  Better luck next time.

3 comments November 21, 2008

39 week appointment

So I saw the midwife appointment for what will hopefully be my last appointment.  My blood pressure is still good and there’s nothing funny in my pee.  No clue what the weight gain is at this point, but I’m assuming it’s around 60lbs.  She felt the baby externally to confirm the position and it appears as if he is truly head down and engaged.  He’s just hanging out on my right side, which isn’t perfect, but will work.  (The left side is optimal).  She doesn’t do cervical checks (and I don’t want one), so we have NO clue if three weeks of contractions has done anything to my cervix.  Her guess is that I am probably doing exactly what I did with Rylan, which was to slowly dilate over the course of several weeks and get most of the work out of the way in spurts and starts.  We anticipate another quick labor when it finally gets down to the nitty gritty.  I’m measuring 40 weeks and Sunday is my due date.  It will be soon!!!  The one thing that is absolutely fantastic is that I am my midwife’s last November client.  All four (!!!) other women who were due in November have already delivered.  This is a huge weight off my back, considering there was some concern that she may miss my birth or that I might have to deliver at her  birth center if I were to go into labor at the same time as someone else.  That is no longer an issue.  Yeah!!!

I woke up feeling insanely nervous about birth, which is weird, considering that Rylan’s birth was fast and easy and smooth sailing.  I guess I just know too much now.  I know that if birth is anything, it is unpredictable.  And I know that somewhere along the line, it will hurt.  It will hurt BADLY.  I’ve just had these ridiculous feelings of “Oh my God, I changed my mind!!!  I don’t want to do this anymore!!!”  Funny, I know.  But probably normal.  I just hope any fear and anxiety I have doesn’t keep my body from laboring.  I would like to see my little boy soon.

Anyway, I’m feeling crampy and awful and nauseated again this evening.  I would get excited and say that it may be early labor, but it’s probably just the 3 pounds of Boy Scout caramel popcorn that I’ve ingested in the last few days.

Add a comment November 21, 2008






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