6 more days until my due date!

November 17, 2008 3mamasboys

Wow, yesterday was hard!  I woke up at 5:30 in the morning, just writhng around in pain from severe cramping and back pain and pelvic pressure and contractions that I could feel in my THIGHS (which was weird.)  This went on for about half of the day, and once it backed off, I was exhausted and cranky and really could hardly leave the couch for the remainder of the day.  Thank God Brent was home to put up with me.  Had I of been on my own with all three kids, I would have killed somebody.  Contractions picked up around dinnertime and proceeded to continue all the way through Desperate Housewives and beyond.  As usual, they were sporadic, ranging anywhere from 6 to 12 minutes apart.  But INTENSE.  Super, super intense.  When my exhaustion finally gave way to sleep, they must have calmed because I woke up this morning feeling semi-normal.  No matter how annoying this has been (now that it has gone on for 3 weeks), I have been lucky to have just one bad day that is usually followed by 2 good or “okay” days.  One night of no sleep is rewarded with two nights of hard, out-like-a-light sleep. 

I have, at times, wondered if baby’s positioning is completely askew, since I still feel him making huge movements and can feel his bum located in completely different areas from time to time throughout the day.  If he were lined up perfectly, perhaps labor would have started and he would have been born by now.  I see the midwife this Wednesday and have her look closely at positioning. 

It’s more likely, however, that this is all completely normal for me and I am simply just starting and stopping labor and spreading the work out over the course of a few weeks instead of having to endure a long and exhausting labor all at once.  I have also considered the very real possibility that once active labor hits, I will have very little time before baby arrives and the chances of me delivering him myself are pretty good.  I think I have fully prepared myself for this possibility. 

Anyway…off to go kill more time.  I’ll update as I’m able.

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