25 weeks

August 11, 2008 3mamasboys

Let me see if I can rustle up something to say here.

15 weeks left?  Wow, that’s shocking.  It doesn’t seem like long enough.  Seriously!  Something about this pregnancy has it moving wayyyyy too fast and I’m just not as prepared as I was with the other kids.  I know I’ve said this before, but this truly has to be our last baby, and after learning through trial and error I have really tried to keep preparation and buying to a bare minimum.  When I learned that I was pregnant, I made a list of necessities.  (What *I* believe are necessities.)  It looks something like this:

-Newborn clothes.  Not too many and nothing fancy.  We do gowns and sleepers and side snapping undershirts and generally try to stay away from onesies during the newborn days.  (How many of you have had to pull a onesie over the head of a baby who has just had an explosive breastmilk poopie up their back? YUCK.)

-48 infant prefolds

-48 premium prefolds

-6 newborn diaper covers

-6 small diaper covers

-2 Snappi diaper fasteners

-large & small wetbag (Wetbags are waterproof bags that line your diaper pail or are small enough to bring on outings so you don’t have to use plastic grocery bags for dirty diapers.)

-changing pad and cover (the one we are currently using has truly been shredded from nearly three years of daily abuse.  And yes, I use the changing table exclusively and still do with Rylan.)

-diaper sprayer (This is an attachment that hooks up to your toilet so that you can easily rinse off poopie diapers. (I did not have this with Rylan and pretty much regretted it.  My hope this time around is that I will be able to rinse and promptly wash all poopie diapers in order to prevent stains and get a good resale price on our used diapers to fund the next size up.)

-Nursing bras (2)

-Cloth nursing pads

-Crib mattress (Won’t be immediately needed, but the mattress we have is absolutely disgusting.  And since Rylan slept in his crib for two whole years, I’d like to get a fairly decent mattress.)

-Moby wrap (I saw someone use this with a brand new baby and I thought it looked so much handier than everything else out there.  I have a Maya ring sling, but it’s not necessarily easy when you need two hands free.)

Somewhere along the way, I acquired a bouncy seat (free), a swing (garage sale find for $15), and a Boppy pillow ($6 garage sale find.) 

I already owned a highchair, a “travel system” (infant carseat/stroller combo), a convertible carseat and a portable crib.  All of which were SERIOUSLY loved, but are still completely workable.  I actually purchased the porta-crib at a garage sale over three years ago for $15.  Man, has it been worth it’s weight in gold.  It’s got the newborn bassinet attachment, which is how I PLAN on having the newborn sleep as close to me as possible.  It also has the diaper changing attachment, for late night diaper changing without having to leave the room.  The regular crib portion is where Rylan slept for 2 1/2 years on visits to Grandma’s house, camping, etc.  Priceless, those porta-cribs are!

Anyway, I’ve made a serious dent in my list.  I’m pretty sure I have all the clothes I need (all are second-hand.)  The diaper covers have all been purchased (secondhand.)  Hopefully someone will step up and buy me the crib mattress and I may be able to talk my mom into a trip to Nordstrom after the birth for the nursing bras I love.  But let me tell you…the fourth baby comes and you REALLY don’t hear many offers on the gift-giving front.  The poor 4th kid.  It probably happens with the third as well, although it didn’t happen that way with me since I had a six year age gap between Kid #2 and #3.  I really can’t complain though.  I would probably blow a gasket if someone insisted on throwing me a baby shower.  Big piles of extravagant gifts look fun, but when you only end up using 25% of the stuff and the rest goes to waste or just clutters up your house, it’s a burden more than it is a blessing.  I’m telling you, if anyone asks me what I need for the baby, I’m going to say “money.”  LOL.  Let’s cut the crap, people.  I just need money, so I can buy some poop catchers.  Please don’t buy me a velour baby blanket that will only get puked on.

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2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Jess  |  August 19, 2008 at 3:05 am

    Okay, I won’t buy you a velour baby blanket.

    I hear you on the onesies and poop. Although that happens to me at any age, it appears.

    I also wish I had a toilet wand thingy.

    I don’t need a single thing, I don’t think. Though if it is a boy I have a pink car seat. Oh well.

    I WANT lots of things. Well, not LOTS, but a few.

    Motherhood has nursing bras for under $20. I know it’s not Nordie’s, but hey…

    Do you have a babyhawk? Do you want one? Maybe THAT would be a good gift. Better than a velour baby blanket, anyway.

  • 2. 3blessings  |  August 27, 2008 at 2:52 am

    Let me know what color wrap you want… Or if you want a mei tai 🙂 I have stacks of material just begging to be used for something lol!

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